Rodem House Fellowship

Discover Rodem House Fellowship, a welcoming community for international students and guests in Christchurch. Connect, laugh, and thrive!

Jan 01, 2024
Jan 01, 2024 to Aug 22, 2034
Jan 01, 2024 ()
This event has now concluded
🟣 Ongoing Event

About: Rodem House Fellowship

Every Tuesday evening, Rodem House Fellowship opens its doors to everyone. We are in Christchurch and welcome international students, workers, and guests. Our goal is to create a place where you can relax, meet new people, and feel at home.

What Happens:

  • Free Meal: Enjoy a tasty meal with friends. It’s a great time to eat and talk.
  • Music: Listen to happy and uplifting music.
  • Games: Play fun games and make new friends.
  • Message: Hear an inspiring and encouraging message.

Rodem House Fellowship is a place for everyone, whether you are new to Christchurch or have been here for a long time. Come practice your English, meet new people, and be part of a caring community. We look forward to meeting you.

Bring a friend

Why not bring a friend along? It’s always more fun with someone you know.

Whether it’s their first City experience or they’ve been before, it would be great to have them there. The more, the merrier! So don’t hesitate to invite someone to join you!

Key Details

Type: 🟣 Ongoing Event
Cost: Free
When: Tuesdays, 6:30pm
Starts: Jan 01, 2024
When: 6:30pm
Duration: 120 mins
Concludes: Aug 22, 2034
Open To: Everyone
Address: 346 Manchester St, Christchurch 8013
Building: Church Auditorium 
A smiling sun
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