Care Services

What if healing was only one conversation away? We offer a variety of care services to overcome depression, anxiety, anger, and addiction.

No one needs to face the challenges of life alone

Find Support and Healing

Whatever you’re going through, or how you’re feeling, you’re not alone. Life can be challenging, and we all face moments of struggle and uncertainty. As a church we want to walk alongside and support you, so you can find the help you need.

We offer a variety of care services designed to provide emotional and spiritual support. Our goal is to help you find peace, healing, and a sense of hope, no matter what you’re going through. Let us be there for you - please contact us and start your journey towards a brighter future.

Talk to Someone

Please contact us to learn more about these Care Services.


City has a range of free and paid counselling services to help you overcome addiction, abuse, grief, loss, anger, anxiety ,and depression. Whether you need marital counselling, or are grappling with personal or spiritual discouragement, our team of trained counsellers can help you.


City's care services include Sozo, a unique inner healing and prayer ministry. Sozo aims to reveal the root cause of things that inhibit healing, truth and a personal connection with Father God, Jesus and Holy Spirit. It is not a counselling service, but an opportunity to gain wholeness and freedom.

“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.”
Matthew 11:28 (NIV)