City Worship

Every time we gather together, we worship God through music and songs of praise. Experience City Worship this Sunday and share the passion.

Releasing the vibrant chorus of heaven

The Sound Of Praise

At City we love to worship God through live music and songs of praise. It's a vital part of our Sunday church services, creating an atmosphere of faith to refocus our hearts, celebrate Jesus and experience His presence.

City Worship is a team of vocalists, musicians, and sound technicians who share a passion and soundtrack of love for Jesus. We exist to gather and inspire others through music, encouraging an authentic expression of praise every Sunday during regular church services and special events.

Join City Worship

Do you have a musical gift? Give your passion a voice, and share your love for God through vibrant worship and song.

What's the music like?

We enjoy live band worship that is modern and vibrant, but not noisy. Our playlist typically features popular contemporary songs from local and international Christian bands.

How often do you rehearse?

City Worship rehearses twice a week with a midweek practice session and a soundcheck on Sunday before our church services.

Is there a worship roster?

Yes. We make every effort to rotate our worship team to accommodate personal commitments, maximise passion, and overall fun.

How do I join the band?

Please contact us to register your interest and join us this Sunday to experience the heartbeat of our church community. All applicants need to audition and demonstrate a genuine love for Jesus.

“We promote a culture of worship, excellence, and fun that is faithful to Jesus.”
City Worship