🟠 Off & Running

Christian Studies

Explore the benefits of Christian studies and how pursuing a qualification in theology or leadership can deepen your faith and equip you for service.

Gain a qualification in Christian studies

Equip Your Faith

Do you feel called to further your understanding of God's Word and better equip yourself for service? Pursuing a qualification in Christian studies, like leadership or theology, is a great way to enrich your faith and prepare yourself for ministry. Through these studies, you can respond to God's call, grow in wisdom, and become more effective in sharing His love and truth with those around you.

The Great Commission underscores the importance of growing in knowledge and wisdom to effectively share the Gospel. In Matthew 28:19-20 (NIV), Jesus said:

“Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.”

A formal study of Christian subjects with qualifications at a tertiary education provider is an opportunity to dive deeper the God's Word and uncover its abundant wisdom. By learning about the historical and cultural contexts while exploring the profound depths of Christianity, you'll discover a wealth of insight that can elevate your faith to a whole new level.

The Benefits of Christian Studies

Engaging in Christian studies offers numerous advantages that can profoundly impact your faith and leadership capacity:

  • Deepened Faith: Studying theology and Christian leadership helps us to understand the core tenets of our faith more profoundly. It strengthens our relationship with God as we explore His Word and His works throughout history.
  • Equipped for Service: A formal education in Christian studies prepares us to serve in various capacities within the church and the broader community. Whether it’s pastoral ministry, teaching, or community outreach, the knowledge and skills gained are invaluable.
  • Leadership Development: Christian leadership programmes focus on developing the qualities and skills necessary to lead with integrity, compassion, and wisdom. These programmes often include practical training in areas such as conflict resolution, counseling, and organisational management.
  • Community and Fellowship: Engaging in Christian studies often means becoming part of a community of like-minded individuals who share a passion for learning and serving. This fellowship can provide support, encouragement, and lifelong friendships.

The Journey of Learning

Furthering your education and study of the Bible requires commitment and dedication. It involves setting aside time for study, reflection, and prayer. But the rewards are immense. As we grow in knowledge, we also grow in our ability to discern God’s will and to live out our faith in practical, impactful ways.

Encouragement for the Journey

If you feel called to pursue Christian studies, take that step in faith. Remember the words of Proverbs 2:6 (NIV):

“For the Lord gives wisdom; from his mouth come knowledge and understanding.”

Trust that God will guide you and provide the wisdom you need. Your journey of learning will not only transform your own life but also enable you to be a beacon of light and hope to others.

Whether you choose to enroll in a formal programme or begin with personal study, know that every step you take draws you closer to God and equips you to play an active role in His kingdom.

Initial Faith Step

Christian Studies is what we call an 🟠 Off & Running which is a simple and meaningful action you can take right now to draw closer to God. You don’t have to wait until you’re ‘perfect’ to start; these steps are easy to begin and will do wonders for your faith.

Stepping Forward in Fatih

Christian Studies is what we call a 🟠 Off & Running action, a powerful experience that will transform your faith. Actions like these help you experience more of God's presence in your life and further harmonise your daily walk with Him.

Off and Running

Christian Studies comes under our 🟠 Off & Running faith steps, which are dynamic and impactful actions you can take to live out your faith in tangible ways. These are perfect for anyone who wants to take their faith to the next level and partner with God to spread His Kingdom.
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“For the Lord grants wisdom! From his mouth come knowledge and understanding.”
Proverbs 2:6 (NLT)