🟱 Initial Step

Requesting Prayer

Request prayer, encounter Jesus, and experience His power to move in your world. Overcome any hesitation and ask for prayer today.

Invite prayer today and encounter Jesus

Asking for Prayer

Prayer is one of the most powerful tools we have as believers. It is our direct line of communication with God, where we can pour out our hearts, seek His will, and experience His presence in a very real way. However, for many, especially those who are new in their faith, asking for prayer can feel intimidating. But know this—asking for prayer is not just a humble step, it’s an essential one. Indeed, even Jesus is interceding for us:

“Who then is the one who condemns? No one. Christ Jesus who died—more than that, who was raised to life—is at the right hand of God and is also interceding for us.” (Romans 8:34, NIV)

The Power of Prayer

The Bible emphasises the strength and impact of prayer. In James 5:16, we are reminded that:

“The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.”

When we pray, or when we ask others to pray for us, we are tapping into God’s power. We are acknowledging that we need His help and trusting Him to move in our situation. God listens to every prayer, and He moves according to His will, often in ways we cannot see or understand right away.

Jesus Himself encouraged His followers to ask, seek, and knock (Matthew 7:7). He desires to answer our prayers and to draw us closer to Him through that process.

Laying on of Hands

One special aspect of receiving prayer, especially in a church or a small group, is the laying on of hands. This biblical practice is not just a symbolic act but a powerful means by which God imparts healing, blessing, or spiritual empowerment.

Whether used to receive the Holy Spirit, or commissioning someone for ministry, the laying on of hands serves as a physical point of contact that aligns with the work of the Holy Spirit. When done in faith, it allows the person receiving prayer to experience God’s presence in a tangible way, opening the door for transformation, healing, and deeper spiritual growth.

Overcoming Hesitation

It’s common to feel unsure or even embarrassed about asking someone else to pray for you. You may wonder if your request is too small or too personal, or maybe you feel like you should be able to handle things on your own. But Scripture encourages us to bear one another’s burdens (Galatians 6:2). Asking for prayer is a beautiful way to invite the support of others and to welcome God’s work in your life.

When you ask for prayer with an open and sincere heart, it can be an amazing experience.

One of the most powerful promises in Scripture is that when two or more gather in Jesus' name, He is present with them (Matthew 18:20). This means that when you seek prayer in the company of other believers, you're not just surrounded by people standing in faith with you—Jesus Himself is there, moving in your midst. His presence brings comfort, peace, and the assurance that your prayers are being heard. This shared experience not only strengthens your faith but also deepens the faith of those praying with you, as together you encounter the living God in a profound and tangible way.

Seek Prayer in Church

One of the best places to request prayer is within your local church. During church services, there are often moments when you can go forward and receive prayer. This is an incredible opportunity to be prayed over by spiritual leaders and fellow believers who are full of faith. Whether you’re struggling with a challenge or just seeking God’s direction, the support and encouragement of prayer can make all the difference.

Another great way to request prayer is through your local small group Bible study. These groups are a safe and personal environment where you can share your heart and your needs. In these settings, people can pray for you directly and continue to support you throughout the week. It’s often easier to open up in a smaller group setting, and you’ll build deeper connections with others as you share and pray together.

Receiving Prayer with Expectation

When you ask for prayer, come with an attitude of expectation. God is faithful to hear and answer prayers, and while the answer may not always come in the way we expect, He promises to give us what we need. Be open to how God may speak to you through the prayer, whether it’s a word of encouragement, a Scripture that brings comfort, or even a sense of peace that comes from simply being in His presence.

Remember that prayer isn’t just about receiving an answer—it’s about deepening your relationship with God. When we ask others to pray for us, we’re reminded that we’re not alone in this journey of faith. We’re part of a larger body of believers who are here to support, encourage, and stand together in faith.

Take the Step of Faith

If you’ve been hesitant to ask for prayer, consider this your opportunity to take that next step of faith. Whether it’s at church, in a small group, or even with a trusted Christian friend, reaching out for prayer is a way to invite God to move in your life and to experience the power of prayer in a new and deeper way.

Initial Faith Step

Requesting Prayer is what we call an 🟱 Initial Step which is a simple and meaningful action you can take right now to draw closer to God. You don’t have to wait until you’re ‘perfect’ to start; these steps are easy to begin and will do wonders for your faith.

Stepping Forward in Fatih

Requesting Prayer is what we call a 🟱 Initial Step action, a powerful experience that will transform your faith. Actions like these help you experience more of God's presence in your life and further harmonise your daily walk with Him.

Off and Running

Requesting Prayer comes under our 🟱 Initial Step faith steps, which are dynamic and impactful actions you can take to live out your faith in tangible ways. These are perfect for anyone who wants to take their faith to the next level and partner with God to spread His Kingdom.
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“Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.”
Philippians 4:6-7 (NIV)